MRCI: Forced Labour and Trafficking Legal Advocacy Worker, deadline 15 September 2010

The MRCI is advertising for the part time position of Forced Labour and Trafficking Legal Advocacy Worker (21 hours per week) until March 2011. The role involves coordinating and advancing MRCI's work programme on forced labour including trafficking.

Reporting to the Deputy Director the specific tasks include:
- Coordinate actions to advance legal analysis and rights on forced labour including trafficking i.e. existing opinion on criminalisation of forced labour
- Liaise with the GNIB and DJLR on case work relating to trafficking for forced labour
- Supervise and support the caseworker engaged in supporting individuals experiencing forced labour including trafficking
- Coordinate and support strategic legal casework on forced labour and trafficking for forced labour including test cases
- Coordinate the development and operation of a legal panel being established in conjunction with the Law Society
- Provide training and information to legal practitioners and relevant others on forced labour including trafficking
- Coordinate actions to raise awareness and capacity across key structures and institutions i.e. judiciary and legal profession
- Prepare reports, articles and presentations on forced labour including trafficking
- Participate in wider MRCI activities in line with strategic priorities

- Legal training and experience
- Understanding of policy and legislative context
- Excellent communication skills
- Commitment to social justice and rights of migrant workers
- Desirable
- Experience in area of forced labour and trafficking
- Experience working with community sector organisation
- Experience in delivery of training

Apply by submitting a CV and cover letter marked 'Forced Labour and Trafficking Legal Advocacy Worker' by email to or by post to Hilary Royston, MRCI, 55 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Closing date for application is 5pm on 15 September 2010.




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