Sage Advocacy: Regional Advocate Cork – deadline Friday 24th May

Sage Advocacy is recruiting for a Regional Advocate for Cork

Sage Advocacy is the National Advocacy Service for Older People and is publicly funded through the HSE. It also supports vulnerable adults and healthcare patients in certain situations where no other service is able to assist.

Sage Advocacy’s work on behalf of clients is independent of family, service provider or systems interests. Our approach is to collaborate where possible and to challenge where necessary and we have a strong focus on achieving social impact by identifying and addressing underlying systemic issues raised through individual case work. Our services are free of charge and confidential.


Recruitment for the role listed below is part of the next phase of development of Sage Advocacy’s services in the context of the commencement of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Acts and the establishment of the Decision Support Service, planned legislation on adult safeguarding and protection of liberties in places of care, the strengthening of support and advocacy services for survivors of institutional abuse and the emergence of Regional Health Areas, as proposed by Sláintecare.



Click here to apply and for more information.



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