Irish Centre for European Law - Human Rights in Practice: The Role of Human Rights of the 20th Anniversary of the ECHR At 2003 – Friday 1st December @ 10am, Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, D02 HH58

The Irish Centre for European Law (ICEL) is pleased to announce Human Rights in Practice: The Role of Human Rights on the 20th Anniversary of the ECHR Act 2003, a conference which takes place at 10:00 (registration from 09:30) until 16:30 on Friday 1 December 2023 in the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, D02 HH58.

Human Rights in Practice will feature a keynote from Ms Justice Síofra O’Leary, President of the European Court of Human Rights, in addition to contributions from Mr Justice Gerard Hogan, the Attorney General Rossa Fanning SC, and Professor Cathryn Costello, among others.


This conference will be an opportunity for practitioners, representatives of the non-governmental sector, and legal scholars to learn about the impact of 2003 Act in its first two decades, and potential into the future, and get up to date on the recent developments at the European Court of Human Rights.

The conference will provide a timely exploration of the European Convention of Human Rights (the “ECHR”) in both a domestic and international context, at a time when the role of the ECHR is both under increasing pressure, while also facing heightened expectations.

Tickets are €99 for general admission or €49 for ICEL members and NGOs. Discounted tickets will be available for €29 for trainee solicitors/pupil barristers/students.

Click here for a full programme of the event.

Click here to purchase tickets or contact to pay by EFT.



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