PILA looks forward to welcoming you to the Launch of our All-Ireland NGO Legal Guide Series at the FLAC / PILA offices at 85/86 Dorset Street Upper on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 at 10am. In partnership with Arthur Cox, FLAC and the PILS Project, we have compiled a series of 5 Guides designed to assist NGOs, both North and South of the border, to navigate the justice system.
The 5 Guides include:
• An NGO Guide to being appointed an Amicus in the Irish court system
• An NGO guide to individual non-court complaint mechanisms at European level
• An NGO guide for engaging with UN Special Procedures mandate holders
• An NGO guide for taking individual complaints to UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies
• An NGO Guide to Judicial Review
At the launch you will hear about the rationale for the guides, get a general overview of their contents and an understanding of the aims of the series. There will also be a discussion regarding the benefits of the Guides to NGOs and information about when, why and how to avail of each of these legal remedies.
The formal launch will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to meet industry experts and others in the NGO sector.
The FLAC office is wheelchair accessible and ISL Interpretation will be provided. If you have any further accessibility requirements please let us know as soon as possible by emailing reception@flac.ie or calling 018873600.
Please rsvp to reception@flac.ie by Tuesday, 13 September if you wish to attend our in-person event. Please note that in-person attendance is limited to the first 60 rsvps. Alternatively, if you cannot attend in person or would prefer to join us online please register at https://bit.ly/PilaNGOGuidelaunch
We look forward to welcoming you!