Expressions of Interest in Membership of the Gaisce Council
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is inviting expressions of interest for membership of the Gaisce Council. In line with Gaisce Articles of Association, the Board shall consist of fifteen members, including two who shall be nominated by the President and one who shall be nominated by the Taoiseach.
A vacancy has arisen on the Board, at this time, for one person of proven ability and relevant legal experience who shall be appointed by the Minister of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
The Gaisce Council
Gaisce – The President’s Award is a self-development programme for young people which is proven to enhance confidence and wellbeing through participation in personal, physical, community and team challenges. Gaisce is a direct challenge from the President of Ireland to young people to dream big and realise their potential.
Gaisce is a company limited by guarantee (CRO: 251020) registered with the Charities Regulator (CRA: 20020903) and with a charity number (CHY: 8482). The organisation is governed by a board of directors: the Gaisce Council. Gaisce - The President's Award comes under the remit of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth as, by its governing documents, the Minister appoints members to the Council. For this reason, although not a state body, the Public Appointments System is utilised to assist in recruiting Council members.
Membership of Boards
High standards of corporate governance in all agencies under the aegis of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, whether in the commercial or noncommercial sphere, are critical to ensuring a positive contribution to the State’s overall social and economic development.
Board members should act on a fully informed basis, in good faith, with due diligence and care, and in the best interest of the body, subject to the objectives set by Government.
The Charities Governance Code provides a framework for the application of best practice in governance by charitable bodies. Board members of charitable bodies are responsible for governance and should make sure that the following governance principles are applied:
Gaisce – The President’s Award recognises the importance of operating under high standards of corporate governance, and to this end, the Gaisce Council is committed to the standards outlined in the Charities Governance Code and is in compliance with the full range of corporate governance responsibilities. The role of all Council Members is guided by an internal Council handbook which was developed in line with best practice and the Charities Regulator’s Code.
Under the guidelines of its handbook, the Gaisce Council is responsible for leading the organisation in achieving its aims and objectives as set out in its strategic plan, over-seeing the establishment of appropriate executive roles, monitoring and reviewing levels and systems of HR and financial resources and ensuring that Gaisce is fully accountable to its funders, stakeholders and the general public.
Appointment to the Gaisce Council
Location: Dublin
Number of Vacancies: 1 immediate vacancy
Remuneration: Nil. Travel and Subsistence is payable at appropriate Civil Service Rates.
Time Requirements: Approx. 1.5 days per month (including preparation, Council meetings and sub-committee meetings). There are 6 Council meetings per annum and board members are required to take an active part in sub-committees.
Person Specification
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth invites applications from suitably qualified candidates with relevant legal expertise for an immediate vacancy arising on the Council.
Given the work of the Council and the aims of Gaisce, applicants who fall under the age of 35 (as per the EU definition of young people) are particularly welcome. It is intended that this campaign increase the diversity of the Council.
Candidates must demonstrate in their application evidence of:
In addition, candidates for the current vacancy must demonstrate evidence of professional legal experience, at an appropriately senior level, preferably in the Charity Sector and/or in a corporate setting. It is expected that candidates in this area will hold a relevant legal qualification. However, Gaisce may consider applications in some other circumstances, acknowledging that breadth of experience may suffice.
The Minister shall have regard to the desirability for gender balance on the Board as the Minister considers appropriate and determines from time to time when making appointments.
In order to qualify for appointment a person must not have any legal impediment or conflicts of interest likely to interfere with his/her ability to assume the role of a member of the Council. Please give careful consideration to the possibility of any potential conflict of interest that may exist and address this in your cover letter. The Assessment Panel may decide, based on the perceived level of conflict, not to forward your name for consideration.
Candidates are suggested to refer to the provisions in relation to the role of a Board member within the Charities Governance Code 2018. Particular attention is drawn to the roles and responsibilities of Board Members under principals 2 and 5, namely ‘Behaving with integrity’ and ‘Working effectively’.
Submitting your Expression of Interest
Having considered the general suitability criteria for membership of the Gaisce Council, you should consider carefully how your background and experience fits with the specific appointment criteria set out in the Person Specification section in this booklet.
Interested persons should submit
Expressions of interest may be submitted via email to
Click here to read further information on the background and functions of Gaisce as well as the terms of appointment