The Wheel: Returning to the Workplace Safely online series

The Wheel is teaming up with Adare Human Resource Management to deliver a uniquely important series of webinars / online workshops in the coming weeks.

Developed for the extraordinary times we live in, all three online events are free for members to attend.

Event 1: Effectively Managing Remote Workers, from Practical Steps to Compliance (Webinar)

With the planned reopening of society moving forward one impact of the restrictions that may remain, in the immediate future, is the practice of remote working.

Covering all the major elements of remote working from the importance of communication to the application of policies and procedures in managing remote workers, the webinar will focus on:

 - Effectively Managing Remote Workers
 - Health & Safety considerations.

Click here to register.

Event 2: A Practical Approach to the Return to Work Safely Protocols (Online Workshop)

This one-hour session is an ideal refresher or introduction to key health and safety requirements under the Return to Work Safely Protocols.

The training will include reference to the measures to be taken by all organisations under the Return to Work Safely Protocols looking at five key headings:

 - COVID-19 Response Plan
 - Updated Safety Statement
 - The Lead Worker Representative Training
 - COVID-19 Induction Training (Return to Work)
 - Suspected Case Response Plan.

Click here to register.

Event 3: Workforce Planning – Ensuring Your Organisational Structure is Fit for Future Purpose (Webinar)

In the current climate, workplace planning is a necessity as it ensures the correct organisational structure is in place with the required skills and experience to enable the delivery of the organisation's strategy.

This webinar will include best practice HR relating to:

 - Reorganisation and restructuring
 - Redundancy
 - Alternative
 - Practices.

Click here to register.



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