National Advocacy Service: Annual Report Launch 2018 – 10 September

When: 2-4pm, 10 September 2019

Where: IHREC, 16-22 Green Street, Dublin 7

The National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) will launch its Annual Report 2018 at the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission on 10th September 2019.

2018 was a milestone year for NAS, it launched its first Strategic Plan, continued to grow the footprint of the service and increase the number of people receiving advocacy support, and engaged in the policy sphere on disability issues, particularly in the areas of adult safeguarding and making the guiding principles of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 real and meaningful. NAS also was awarded a tender by the Department of Health to develop a new Patient Advocacy Service, which will go-live at the end of 2019.

Join Minister Regina Doherty who will launch the NAS Annual Report 2018 on the 10th September.


14.00 - 14.30- registration and tea/coffee

14.30 - 15.45- Minister Doherty launches Report, with presentations from a NAS service-user, NAS advocate amongst others.

Click here to register.



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