Date: 14 September 2018
Time: 9:00 – 17:00
Venue: Hilton Hotel Belfast, 4 Lanyon Place, Belfast
You are invited to attend the publication launch of ‘Litigants in Person in Northern Ireland: Barriers to Legal Participation’, a collaborative research project between the School of Law, Ulster University and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.
Since 2016, the School of Law at Ulster University has been carrying out an empirical investigation into the experiences of people who take or defend a civil law case without legal representation. The aim of the study was to understand the situation of LiPs in Northern Ireland from two perspectives: the impact of self-litigation on the court system and the impact on an individual’s human rights when litigating without legal representation.
At the conference on the 14th September 2018, members of the Ulster University School of Law will present the research findings and the report resulting from the two year study. The report features recommendations related to court processes, advice and possible future steps to improve litigants-in-persons’ progress through the court system. It also produces a human rights analysis and identifies improvements to address the situation.
The conference will also feature discussions with members of the Northern Ireland Judiciary and the Northern Ireland Civil Service as well as speakers addressing the perspective and learnings from the England and Wales experience.
Please click here to register for the event