Certificate in Juvenile Justice
Start Date: 30 September
The goal of this certificate will be to detail for practitioners the steps to be employed in all proceedings under the Children Act, 2001 as amended, so as to ensure that such proceedings fully comply with a young defendant’s Constitutional rights as well as international standards for juvenile justice.Participants will be required to reflect on the practical application of DC04 – Children Court, designed as it is to ensure due regard for the protection of the rights of the child and to safeguard the young person from avoidable intimidation, humiliation or distress. In order to deepen the learning experience, students will have an opportunity to observe and participate in various role-play scenarios involving Children Court proceedings, and to practice and hone communication and advocacy skills that are particularly pertinent when representing young persons.
Learning outcomes:
On successful completion of this training programme, participants will:
Closing date for applications is 22 September. For further information about the course and to register please click here.