ATD and Misean Cara: 'Make Human Rights Work' launch - 8 December, Dublin

Date:     8 December 2015

Time:    11am – 1pm (Registration 10.30am)

Venue: Ozanam House, 53 Mountjoy Square West, Dublin 1

Two days before Human Rights Day, All Together in Dignity Ireland (ATD) and Misean Cara will launch in Ireland the new Handbook "Make Human Rights Work", launched at UN Geneva in September 2015.

For perhaps the first time in history, a set of United Nations principles on Human Rights and Poverty situations has been translated into concrete suggestions for everyday people to take action.

Spearheaded by Franciscans International and ATD International, with the support of Irish stakeholders (Misean Cara, Edmund Rice International), dozens of grassroots organisations worldwide, as well as individuals with a lived experience of poverty, have created a handbook to make human rights work for all.

Speakers at the event include:

Emily Logan - Irish Chief Commissioner for Human Rights and Equality

Heydi Foster-Breslin - CEO in Misean Cara and Human Rights and Equality Commissioner

Janet Nelson - Vice-President of ATD International

John Mark McCafferty - Head of Social Justice and Policy - SVP

Cecilia Forrestal - Director, Community Action Network

Master of Ceremony: Mark Hogan - Chairperson of the Board of ATD Ireland (TBC)

Draft Programme:

10.30am: Coffee/tea/registration in the hall of Ozanam House.
11.05am: Welcome and video (8 minutes video presented at the UN Launch in Geneva).
11.15am to 11.45am: Panel of guests speaks (5 minutes each).
11.45am to 12.15pm: World Café discussion.
12.15pm to 12.40pm: Feedback and questions to the panel.
12.40pm to 13.00pm: Mingling and light lunch (coffee/tea/sandwiches).

This event is open for registration.  Click here to register online.



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