Reminder: 12th Annual Human Rights Conference – Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Ireland - 11 October 2014

Date: 11 October 2014 10am-2pm

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Designate and the Law Society of Ireland are hosting the 12th Annual Human Rights Conference entitled Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Ireland. The aim of this conference is to examine recent developments in the area of criminal justice in the light of Irish human rights law. The focus will be on considering the topics of police accountability and possible reform, the broader social issues affecting Irish prisons and penal policy, and a consideration of the Irish prison system in the context of related human rights issues. The objective is to provide attendees with a broad overview of these issues from a variety of perspectives.

This conference has been designed by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Designate and the Law Society Human Rights Committee for all who might have an interest in human rights and criminal justice.  It aims to bring together legal practitioners, members of the public, as well as academics, human rights and civil society organisations to explore these issues. The structure of the conference will allow sufficient time for an extensive panel discussion of the conference topics.

Topics and Issues Covered

  • Police accountability and possible reform
  • The social issues surrounding Irish penal policy
  • The Irish prison system and related human rights issues 

RSVP – To register for the conference please complete the booking form on the Law Society website and return to

Click here for more information. 



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