Roma Rights Forum - 20 February, Dublin
Date: Thursday 20 February 2014
Time: 11 am – 1 pm
Venue: Pavee Point Roma and Traveller Centre
Aim: The forum is a space for people working with Roma to come together to discuss ideas for addressing human rights issues facing Roma and to overcome challenges in this work.
The forum will:
- Bring together people working with Roma throughout Ireland
- Provide a space for networking and seeking support for your work
- Discussing upcoming policy issues impacting on Roma
- Discuss progress with Ireland’s National Traveller Roma Integration Strategy;
- Discuss the impact of existing policy on Roma and key policy ‘gaps’ or areas that should be addressed;
- Discuss current challenges of meeting the needs of Roma children in particular;
- Highlight examples of good practice and successful initiatives for Roma inclusion in Ireland and Europe;
- Discuss possible future initiatives and opportunities at both a local and national level.
Target Groups:
Roma, Traveller organisations, statutory representatives, NGO representatives – anyone working with Roma
If you are interested in participating in this forum please rsvp to Siobhan at