Migrant Rights Centre, Community Development Worker (maternity leave cover)- deadline, 4 October

This role involves coordinating migrant participation and leadership development across MRCI campaigns and activities.


This position is for 3 days per week from mid-October 2013 to June 2014. Salary is €40,000 pro rata.

Essential criteria

·         Community work training

·         Group work experience

·         Excellent communication skills

·         Capacity to be creative and innovative

·         Strong equality and power analysis

·         Excellent organisational skills

Apply by submitting a CV and cover letter marked ‘Community Development Worker – Maternity Cover’ by email to hilary@mrci.ie or by post to Hilary Royston, MRCI, 55 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1.

Closing date for application is Friday 4 October 2013 at 3:00 pm.

Click here for more information. 



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