The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) publishes guide for victims and NGOs on recourse mechanisms in cases of corporate-related human rights violations

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has published a guide for victims and NGOs on recourse mechanisms in cases of corporate-related human rights violations. The guide, which was launched on the 7 July 2010 in Amsterdam, is intended as a tool for victims, their representatives, NGOs, to obtain justice in cases involving human rights abuses by multinational corporations. The guide was launched amid a public debate on corporate justice with contributions from Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, author of the guide's foreword and Katherine Gallagher, Attorney of the Centre for Constitutional Rights and FIDH Vice-President. The debate was held in collaboration with the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Watch.

The aim of the guide is to provide assistance for victims of corporate-related abuse such as the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India, where, 20 years after the explosion that devastated the area, victims are still awaiting compensation and the toxic site still remains to be cleaned up.

The guide explores the different options open to victims of corporate human rights violations including intergovernmental mechanisms, legal options and mediation mechanisms such as the OECD national contact points. It details complaints mechanisms stemming from financial support received by companies and also mechanisms that can be explored according to voluntary commitments taken by companies.

For further information, or to read the guide in full, please click here.



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