Queen’s University, Belfast School of Law public lecture – The Stephen Livingstone Lecture 2010, “Keeping up with the Neighbours – Equivalence of Human Rights Protection since the Agreement” – 5 October 2010 and seminar “Facing our future, addressing our past?” – 11 October 2010

The School of Law at Queen's University Belfast is hosting the Stephen Livingstone Lecture 2010, "Keeping up with the Neighbours - Equivalence of Human Rights Protection since the Agreement" on the 5 October 2010. Michael Farrell, Senior Solicitor with FLAC will be delivering the lecture, with chairing from Professor Colin Harvey, School of Law. The School of Law is also hosting a seminar entitled "Facing our future, addressing our past" on 11 October 2010. The seminar will be chaired by Mike Ritchie, Director, Committee on the Administration of Justice, with Professors Colin Harvey and Kieran McEvoy.

For further information, please contact: Michelle Madden at m.madden@qub.ac.uk or 00 44 28 9097 3452.



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