Equality and Rights Alliance makes oral submission to European Parliament over cutbacks

The Equality and Rights Alliance last week presented an oral submission, based on a written submission from September 2009, to the EU Parliament Petitions Committee highlighting the cutbacks at the Equality Authority. The submission alleged that Ireland is not in compliance with European law by significantly "undermining the agency‟s ability to function effectively and independently as required under EU equality Directives".

The cuts to the Equality Authority resulted in half its budget being withdrawn and a reduction in staff by 25%, with the previous Chief Executive, Niall Crowley, resigning in protest in December 2008. The Alliance‟s submission received support from Opposition and Independent MEPs, with Proinsias De Rossa, Marian Harkin and Joe Higgins speaking at the debate in support of the Alliance.

The Petitions Committee outlined that it will write to the Irish Government asking them to account for the significant cuts imposed and to outline how the Equality Authority, given the amount of cuts imposed, can effectively discharge its EU Directives‟ functions.

To watch the EU parliament debate in full, please follow the link (skip to 16:17:10);



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