South Dublin County Partnership: Invitation to Tender – deadline Tuesday 30th April 2024 @5pm

Invitation to tender for an independent employment needs analysis & skills audit of refugee and asylum seeker populations in South County Dublin.

South Dublin County Partnership (SDCP) is a local development company supporting people and communities in the South Dublin County area with projects in: Enterprise and Employment; Lifelong Learning; Children & Families; Migrant Integration; Community Development and Health & Well-being.

SDCP invites qualified and experienced service providers to submit tenders for conducting an independent employment needs analysis and skills audit of newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers residing within South County Dublin.

Tender Outline

South Dublin County Partnership delivers a range of supports to the local community and migrant populations in South County Dublin. Through support and funding from SICAP, SDCC and Dept. of Justice SDCP provides a variety of supports to asylum seekers and refugees including:

  • 1-2-1 support and advocacy for individuals and families,
  • English language training,
  • Employment training and support,
  • Promotion of health & wellbeing,
  • Other inclusion and integration activities.

There are currently upwards of 6500 asylum seekers and refugees living in Direct Provision accommodation in South County Dublin. An independent employment needs analysis and skills audit of asylum seekers and refugees will support SDCP in adequately delivering targeted supports and programmes to meet the employment support and educational needs of this cohort.

Overarching Objectives of the Evaluation are:

1. Employment Needs Analysis of Asylum Seekers & Refugees living in DP Accommodation

Conduct a thorough assessment of the self-identified employment needs of asylum seekers and refugees residing in South County Dublin and identify the key challenges and barriers to meeting those needs.

This needs analysis should be an accurate representation of the asylum seeker/refugee population residing in South County Dublin and should include those with and without English language abilities. Sample size should be no less than 10 – 15% of the asylum seeker/refugee population currently residing in South County Dublin area.

  • Establish the primary objectives of the needs analysis, such as identifying gaps in current support services, understanding the unique challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers, and uncovering opportunities for improved service delivery.
  • Identify barriers, challenges, and opportunities related to their successful access to the local labour market. e.g. childcare, recognition of qualifications etc.
  • Identify / Examine the challenges and difficulties faced by asylum seekers and refugees in accessing services and support, including information gaps, and language barriers.
  • Identify education and training needs of the refugee & asylum seekers population to support SDCP to develop targeted programs and initiatives that promote skill development, integration, and successful career pathways.

2. Skills Audit of Asylum Seekers & Refugees living in DP Accommodation

Conduct a thorough assessment of the existing skills, qualifications, and professional experience of asylum seekers and refugees residing in South County Dublin.

This analysis should be an accurate representation of the asylum seeker/refugee population residing in South County Dublin and should include those with and without English language abilities. Sample size should be no less than 10 – 15% of the asylum seeker/refugee population currently residing in South County Dublin area.

  • Identify and document the range of skills and competencies possessed by individuals within this population.
  • Identify skills gaps and areas for upskilling and reskilling among the asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Identify the work and career goals of asylum seekers & refugees.

3. Reporting and Recommendations:

Prepare a comprehensive report presenting the findings, analysis, and recommendations based on the skills audit and employment needs analysis.

  • Identify employment support needs of asylum seeker and refugee populations in South County Dublin.
  • Summarise the employment skills, experiences and qualifications present within the refugee and asylum seeker populations and the industries they relate to in an Irish context.
  • Identify the barriers to employment as reported by this group.
  • Highlight potential strategies, initiatives, and interventions to address the identified needs and improve the employment prospects of asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Provide specific recommendations for enhancing current support services based on the identified needs and gaps.
  • Suggest areas for further investigation to ensure continuous improvement of service delivery.
  • Ensure recommendations are in line with current national policies and strategies for migrant support and integration.


The evaluation is to be completed by July 2024 with all objectives completed in full.


The successful evaluator must demonstrate in the tender submission experience in the following areas:

  • Research methodologies including both quantitative and qualitative research,
  • Extensive experience in programme evaluations, preferably in the area of migrant needs, with clear demonstratable outputs.

Tender Proposal

The Tender Proposal should include:

  1. Candidates or organisations bidding for the tender should be prepared to provide evidence of their experience in these areas, through project portfolios, references, case studies, or descriptions of previous work. This experience not only demonstrates their capability to undertake the project but also their understanding of the complex needs and challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers, ensuring that the needs analysis and skills audit are conducted with empathy, accuracy, and impact and ensuring those with little/no English language abilities are provided with opportunities for meaningful engagement.
  2. A detailed Evaluation Tender Proposal outlining the: proposed approach; research questions and methodologies; timeline and deliverables.
  3. Provide a detailed estimate of costs, including the total number of days and hours required. The price should contain all actual costs. No supplementary fees beyond the initial quote will be accepted, with any additional expenses being the responsibility of the contractor.
  4. SDCP shall not be responsible for any expenses incurred by tenderers during the tendering process or related work.
  5. It is a prerequisite for the consultant to be in compliance with tax regulations. Prior to contract finalisation, the chosen consultant must submit valid Tax Clearance certification.
  6. The successful applicant will be asked to provide Professional Indemnity Insurance at contract stage.
  7. Full disclosure is required for any potential conflicts of interest involving a tenderer.

The South Dublin County Partnership is obligated to secure the most advantageous use of public funds and is dedicated to equitably evaluating all bids. Awarding a contract will not be based solely on the lowest bid but will consider the overall value, as judged by the assessment team, relative to the quality of services offered. SDCP also reserves the right not to offer the contract to any applicant.

It is envisaged that this evaluation will take no more than 30 days and will not exceed a budget of circa €10,000.

Closing Date and application process:

Tender submission must be received by Tuesday 30th April 2024 at 5.00pm

Application process:

Submission of Tenders Completed Tenders should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:
Migrant Employment Needs Evaluation Tender Ref. 132/2024 to:
Administration & Operation Department,
South Dublin County Partnership,
Unit D1,
Nangor Road Business Park,
Nangor Road, Dublin 12.

Or sent electronically to

Any queries should be sent to with subject reference

Migrant Employment Needs Evaluation Tender Ref. 132/2024

Tenders received after the closing date will not be considered.

No individual correspondence will be entered into.

South Dublin County Partnership is an Equal Opportunity Employer.




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